Huts and Homes
“Home is where one starts from.”
The Huts and Homes NFT deed grants ownership of a dwelling structure within the village.
The largest Huts and Homes NFTs (mansions) will have the option of viewing their interior in VR in the future.
There are several styles of this NFT available: from simple and affordable village huts to two-story town mansions.
All habitats will include the following:
Storage chests for storing supplies and resources collected by the player throughout the game.
A comfortable bed to sleep in at any time to restore a character's heath, mana and stamina.
A fireplace for cooking the meats of the animals hunted earlier.
In addition to the above perks, mansions also offer a meeting room for a small guild or team gathering. This should be especially entertaining when viewed through VR.
The home doors can be only opened by its owner, homes cannot be robbed of their inventory .
You cannot store NFTs in your home, but you can store any other inventory items incuding heavy weapons and armor.
You can claim your dwelling by approaching an unclaimed house structure and binding it to your Huts and Homes NFT. An unclaimed house structure will be clearly labelled as such so that it can be easily found.
Last but not least, homes offer players safety and protection from the terrifying creatures that lurk at night-time, as Avalon is a very dangerous place after dark.
Huts and Homes NFTs are the most affordable buildings in Avalon's NFT collection.
Welcome Home Avalonians!
Last updated